• Welcome and thank you for choosing Wales International School as the prospective school for your child.
  • If you have registered in the recent past, please enter your mobile number to add a new student. If not, you may register for the first time by filling in the given fields.
  • To print the form please use the registration number.
  • The symbol * represents mandatory fields.
Mobile No:Reg No:
STUDENT DETAILS PARENT DETAILS                                                               
Date 27/07/2024    
Academic Year to which admission sought:*                             

Father's Name as in Passport:*                              
Student's First Name : *
Nationality : *
Middle Name:

Last Name:*
Employer : *
Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy) : *
P.O.Box : 
Gender : *
Mobile No : *
Grade to which admission is sought: *

Email ID :
Nationality : * Resi. Tel :
Religion : *

Off. Tel :

Place of Birth : * Emirate: *
Current Address :*
(In Detail)
Mother's Name as in Passport: *
Previous School Name:
(For KG Type NA) *
Nationality :*
Class Completed :*
(For KG Type NA)
Curriculum :

Employer :
Primary Contact
(Sms Number):*
P.O.Box :
Does your child have any allergy/any Medical Condition/any learning difficulty/challenge *
Mobile No : *
Email :
Photo upload permission (social media and school tv) *
Resi. Tel :
Emirates ID: Off. Tel :
Emirates ID Copy:    
Upload file<40 kb
Passport No.:    
Passport Copy:    
Upload file<40 kb
Does the student have siblings currently at Wales International School ? * :
From where you came to know about Wales Inernational School :*

Recent Photograph of Student:  
Upload file<100 kb